In recognition of National Energy Assistance Day today, Friday, January 31, Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania is reminding customers that many assistance programs are available to help with energy bills and paying down past-due balances.
"Ensuring that customers stay safe and warm in their homes is essential,” said Deborah Davis, Columbia Gas Universal Services Manager. "We urge customers who may find themselves falling behind on their energy bills to contact us to explore the wide array of programs that can be utilized to keep customers connected.”
Among the programs available to help customers in need are:
Expanded Payment Plans
Columbia Gas is offering an expanded number of flexible payment plans to residential and commercial customers to help spread the balance due on their natural gas bills across multiple months. More information can be found on our website at www.columbiagaspa.com/paymentplans.
Hardship Fund
The Columbia Gas Hardship Fund, administered by Dollar Energy Fund, provides grants up to $500 per year to low-income residential customers to pay off past-due bills or restore service. This program is available if customers have exhausted all other available assistance programs.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Columbia Gas serves as a link to federal energy assistance funds which provide help with residential heating costs. These energy grants do not have to be repaid by the customer. Enrollment guidelines, which are revised each new heating season, are based on household size and income.
Crisis – Emergency Energy Assistance
A component of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Crisis Emergency Energy Assistance provides funds for customers in emergency situations and who are in danger of losing their heat.
Customer Assistance Program (CAP)
This program offers affordable payment plans for residential customers with low incomes and long-term bill payment difficulties. CAP features reduced monthly payments for current bills for income-eligible customers, as well as debt forgiveness for prior balances.
Customer Assistance, Referral & Evaluation Services (CARES)
The CARES program helps customers who have a true inability to pay their utility bills and are facing additional challenges.
For more information on billing options and payment assistance, visit www.columbiagaspa.com/assistanceprograms or call 1-800-537-7431.
In addition to our payment assistance options, Columbia Gas offers a number of energy-efficiency programs to help lower energy usage and bills. Visit www.columbiagaspa.com/energy-efficiency for more information on available programs and other ways to save.